Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Combining apparatus allows one to exponentially vary the configuration of any given apparatus.  That is especially true if you keep in mind all the dimensions mentioned in the right column of this blog.  Here you see a cardboard tube embedded in a cardboard divider.

Note that this is another version of the cardboard dividers(see previous post) in which the panels are low.

A hole is cut in two of the panels on one side. The cardboard tube is threaded through the holes and taped.  A section of the tube in the middle has been cut away.   Now besides the open spaces created by the vertical walls of the divider, the tube creates both horizontal and closed dimensions to the apparatus.

In another version of this combined apparatus, an additional plastic florescent light cover is embedded in the divider.  This configuration is a little different because the table is used to support one end of the tube and channel and both the tube and channel extend over the end of the table so children can push the sand out of the tube and channel into the tub below.

Little construction vehicles are added because they fit nicely into the tube and channel and create a different type of play with moving the sand with front loaders and bulldozers.  

If you look at dimensions to the right again, the cardboard divider is an open apparatus with vertical walls.  The tube in the apparatus introduces a horizontal and closed dimension and the plastic channel adds an horizontal and open dimension.

What does that mean for play?

It offers opportunities for focused play in an individual space on a different level with a different dimension.  The child below is playing with the truck and bulldozer on a level six inches above the bottom of the table.  Now he can play on two levels in the same space.  In addition, he is operating on a  horizontal open plane.  That naturally restricts his motor movements on that plane.
The child below is scooping sand with her hand from the tube.  This is a horizontal plane that adds a closed dimension to the apparatus.  How far can she move her hand when she scoops the sand?  And how far into the tube can she reach to scoop the sand?  She, too, can operate on two different physical levels. Actually, there is a third level with the tube when you see the tube as two separate levels: in the tube and on the tube. Both the channel and the tube offer motor experiences on a horizontal plane.  The tube also offers motor experiences that are altered by the open/closed nature of the tube.

If also offers new challenges for transporting the sand both through the window and through the tube.

It also offers new opportunities for social interaction.

And it offers new opportunities for role play.

Children will explore all the spaces you give them.  Their exploration lays the groundwork for knowledge of spatial relations.  It almost sounds like math!


  1. I've been reading all your blog posts with different configurations for your sensory table. Really inspirational! I've been teaching for awhile and feel like I've forgotten the excitement to come into work and set up the classroom in anticipation of what new things I'll learn alongside the children. Your blog has helped me think more critically about the learning that is happening during these sensory experiences and to push myself to be more like the educator I was 15 years ago. Thank you for your research and design documentation.

    Side note: what did you use to cut though the thick cardboard tubes. I have a bunch that I took from a store down street from me and would like to cut to use for my sensory table with sand. I have a box cutter but not sure that will do it.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Whenever I built, I never knew how the children would make it their own. One thing I could always count on was that they would constantly surprise me.

      As far as cutting the tubes, I would use a hand saw or a jigsaw. every once in awhile, I would use a utility knife. That worked but it took much longer with much more effort. I would have to go over the line I was cutting many times. For notches in the middle of the tube, I would drill a hole in the corner of the piece I wanted to cut out. Then I could fit the blade of the jigsaw into the hole and then proceed to cut out piece I wanted to.

      I hope this helps. Tom
